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HID Global completes acquisition of De La Rues identity business

over 5 years ago by Lucy Cinder

HID Global completes acquisition of De La Rues identity business

Cyber Security

HID Global, an identity solutions company, has completed the acquisition of the international identity solutions business of De La Rue.

De La Rue is a large commercial issuer of banknotes and passports. The De La Rue business will be merged with HID’s citizen identity solutions portfolio, broadening HID Global’s capabilities to scale and assemble government-issued citizen IDs.

Now, HID Global’s citizen identification solutions can be found in sixty per cent of all government-issued electronic identity projects around the world, according to the official press release. HID delivers complete, end-to-end system solutions that meet governmental requirements for national IDs, passports, foreign resident IDs, driver licenses, vehicle registration and other programs.

HID Global develops access control and secure identity solutions such as smart cards, readers, printers, RFID tags, and software.

De La Rue’s direct relationships with ministries of the interior, immigration departments, police departments, and numerous other government entities/agencies will enhance HID’s ability to provide customers with a broader suite of offerings that include mobile IDs, automated verification capabilities, and e-passports with advanced physical and electronic security features.

source thepaypers

Industry: Cyber Security

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