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Cyber incident response analyst salary

over 10 years ago by Hannah Lawrence

Cyber incident response analyst salary

Cyber incident response analyst salary

Cybersecurity is a paramount concern for all companies today. Despite the growing number of security measures being adopted by businesses, the number of cyberattacks is still surging. With advancing technologies that can be leveraged by hackers, cyberattacks are continuing to increase in terms of severity, damage, and sophistication. While cyberattacks are impossible to completely prevent against, they can still be controlled and minimized with proper security measures. But there is one vulnerability you are probably not aware of: Believing in cybersecurity myths also acts as the major reason for the growing security threats and attacks. Here are some of the most common cybersecurity myths and misconceptions, and the sooner you stop thinking they are true the safer you will be.

Good security software will keep you safe

Often, companies and individuals rely too much on security software to provide their only solution to combat malware or cyberattacks. Security software such as antivirus solutions, firewall, and other malware detectors are often considered to be the first and last line of defense against cyberattacks. However, even all the security software combined cannot safeguard a company completely against potential cyberattacks. Hackers today have multiple ways to bypass security software and take down a company.

Although well-configured and powerful security software does a considerable and commendable job in securing against cyberattacks, it alone often cannot provide the total security needed. Good tools need to be paired and implemented in a good security plan under the supervision of security experts.

Small or medium-sized businesses are not targets

Many startups and SMBs do not prioritize cybersecurity. This is because of the myth assuming that cybercriminals only target big companies. The media often adds to the myth because it typically only reports a cyberattack when a major company is the target.

However, the sheer number of ransomware and other cyberattacks in the past year have clearly shown the world that every company and every individual can be a victim of cyberattacks. According to a recent study by SwitchFast, over 51 percent of companies and over 35 percent of the employees think that they are and will probably not be the target of cybercriminals. This misconception needs to be curbed right away, and every individual as well as companies both small and large need to understand that everyone is a potential target for cyberattacks.

IT deals with cybersecurity

Most companies and its employees believe that cybersecurity is the concern of the IT department in their respective company. However, it is an absolute essential for each employee to understand that everyone holds equal responsibilities toward safeguarding themselves as well as the company against the cyberattacks.

Today’s cyberattacks are more sophisticated than ever before. Hackers are weaponizing practically every weak point to evade a company’s privacy. Each and every employee, therefore, need to understand this and share the responsibilities of building a secure workplace. Endpoint security vulnerabilities are one of the most commonly known means for cyberattacks, which debunks this myth. Organizations and companies must make an effort to educate and train their employees to understand the importance of cybersecurity.

Protecting yourself is good enough

Organizations or companies must consider every other member’s security in their community. Although a company might be strongly configured or built to resist cyberattacks, every individual within the company can act as a weak link for the cybercriminals to intrude in the system.

A company’s cybersecurity policy may be effective for everyone who works for the company. But is everything else in the corporate ecosystem — which includes contractors, service providers, and external employees — secured against hackers? Almost everything in a company’s ecosystem can be a weak link for a potential cyberattack. And not all companies take this into account,

Cybersecurity is for defense only

This is a shortsighted view of an essential IT aspect. Yes, the major goal of cybersecurity is defense, but you should see it as much more. Apart from protecting your company against cyberattacks and malware, cybersecurity measures can offer various other advantages such as reduced operational costs, increased productivity, better client relationships, and better customer satisfaction.

A good cybersecurity plan can help organizations save money and reputation while boosting productivity. A proactive approach must be followed when it comes to cybersecurity. Although the return on investment from cybersecurity might not be immediate, it will certainly reap many benefits for the companies and organizations — especially if you do not suffer any cyberattacks.

Having secured passwords is enough

Yes, strong passwords are an absolute essential in good cybersecurity practices. However, that alone is not enough. There are several ways an attacker can breach into the systems protected by passwords. Almost all businesses are moving toward multifactor authentication for better security.

Most software service providers offer multifactor authentication as an added security feature. On top of this, logging and monitoring activities within an organization is also an important aspect to ensure safety and security.

The biggest of all cybersecurity myths: Complete cybersecurity can be achieved

No one is 100 percent resistant to cyberattacks. Cyberattacks these days are much stealthier, more powerful, sophisticated, and disrupting. The battle to main tan cybersecurity is ongoing and is not a single task that once configured or performed can be kept aside. For any company or individual to stay cyber-safe, they need to constantly improve their security measures, stay updated with the global news on the latest forms of attacks, and maintain healthy and powerful security standards.

And a good place to start is to stop believing these cybersecurity myths.

source techgenix

Industry: Cyber Security News

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