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Cisco Launches “World’s First” Commercial OpenRoaming Deployment in London

over 5 years ago by Lucy Cinder

Cisco Launches “World’s First” Commercial OpenRoaming Deployment in London

Unified Communications

“Four times faster wireless speeds”

Cisco says it has launched the world’s first commercial trial deployment of OpenRoaming in Canary Wharf.

OpenRoaming allows devices to connect automatically to Wi-Fi 6 networks, and roam across hotspots without needing to log in.

It is built on the HotSpot 2.0 standard, which in turn is based on the IEEE 802.11u standard for interworking with external networks.

The infrastructure across the site will use the emerging new Wi-Fi 6 standard.

Wi-Fi 6 uses channel sharing to increase network efficiency and reduce latency in high demand environments, along with multi-user multiple input, multiple outputs to let access points handle more devices without latency issues.

OpenRoaming itself is a Cisco-led federation that includes a number of identity providers, e.g.  Samsung and Boingo, whom it matches with Wi-Fi access providers, allowing users to join any network that is part of the federation.

OpenRoaming will use “Sophisticated Location-Based Analytics”

“The joint initiative will also provide up to four times faster wireless speeds by deploying Cisco Wi-Fi 6 access points, along with sophisticated location-based analytics to allow its clients to build unique services for their customers,” Cisco and its launch partner the Canary Wharf Group said today.

“Canary Wharf will also help landlords and tenants to understand how their real estate is being used, with data analytics to drive efficiency in workspace design using Cisco DNA Spaces. Further, it enables over-the-top use cases such as location-based services, end-user engagement and wayfinding to enable individuals to find the meeting room or retail store they are looking for,” the two added.

The system, which companies like Cisco hope will help 5G and Wi-Fi 6 networks work better together, enables the network to securely auto-authenticate end-user devices by using established identity providers, such as the user’s service provider or device manufacturer, and was proven as a concept in February 2019.

All Wi-Fi connections will be secured over the air with industry-standard, enterprise-grade security protocols, Cisco promises, saying “this focus on security specifically addresses man-in-the-middle attacks or over the air sniffing.”

“For the real estate industry, next-generation connectivity is a critical utility. Extending the value of our services well beyond office space, our customers are demanding access to world-class digital infrastructure and connectivity,” George Iacobesco, Executive Chairman, Canary Wharf Group, said.

“We’re delighted to be working with Cisco on this groundbreaking initial deployment.”

source cbronline

Industry: Unified Communications

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